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Missed our 2019 Conference? Catch up here..

If you missed our fantastic conference on Frameworks for Evaluation, you can catch up on our keynote from Wouter Hustinx, (Head of an Expertise Centre on Educational Innovation at PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Belgium) on Using the ‘Digicomp Framework’ EU project, a ‘Framework for Evaluation’ of the professional development of teachers in the use of technologies in learning and teaching: a focus on practice and what difference has it made, as well as learning gains and learner progression.

You can watch our video presentation on ‘Digital Competence for FE and HE staff and the impact digital interventions have on students’ from Vikki Liogier, (Head of learning Technologies, Education & Training Foundation).


Our conference programme is now available – looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday

Outline of the conference content
The Conference theme is the evaluation of teaching and learning using digital technologies and assessment of the impact on teaching and student learning, practice and retention.

The Keynote speaker:Wouter Hustinx, Head of an Expertise Centre on Educational Innovation at PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Belgium).
Using the ‘Digicomp Framework’  EU project, a ‘Framework for Evaluation’ of the professional development of teachers in the use of technologies in learning and teaching: a focus on practice and what difference has it made, as well as learning gains and learner progression.
In his keynote, Wouter will present two practice-oriented cases, founded on theoretical models. The first case relates to the blended learning-policy at PXL, which incorporates rubric assessment and collegial peer reviews. The second case relates to professional development of HE-teachers in Ecuador and Cambodia via a blended learning and a design-based research approach.

In the afternoon there will be a video presentation:
‘Digital Competence for FE and HE staff and the impact digital interventions have on students’.  Vikki Liogier, Head of learning Technologies, Education & Training Foundation.
NB.  You can follow up on the presentation with discussion and group activities at your leisure from the ‘Enhance Digital Teaching Platform and the Digital Teaching Professional Framework’.

In the second part of the morning and the afternoon there will be good practice/workshop sessions delivered by colleagues from the Digital Technologies Network.

360 digital video

The network has chosen to investigate the use and application of 360 degree video during the academic year 2018-2019. A number of colleges and the University itself have explored the potential benefits of using 360 degree video across a range of subject areas that include teacher training, construction, sports science, animal husbandry, library studies, art. This year we plan to explore the technology in more detail as each partner identifies a specific use and potential application. 

'Digital Spring' Event: March 5th – 9th, 2018


The network’s annual Digital Spring event returns in March 2018, with a planned series of professional development events to inspire and engage practitioners in Further and Higher Education.

This year all of the events will be scheduled as live events, broadcast through webinars and other formats. At the moment the final programme is still under construction, but we anticipate it will include something for everybody including:

  • Using Google Hangouts in Teaching at Doncaster College: Awareness of some of the different uses that have been employed at Doncaster College.
  • Basic knowledge of how to create and record a Google Hangout
  • e-Learning don’t byte: East Riding College: Small short successive sessions on some of the e-learning tools East Riding College uses to engage learners in their studies.
  • ‘Making learning interactive’: How to use technologies to get your students to engage more actively in and out of class (Hull College)
  • Using Augmented reality in sport (RNN College): Delegates will know how the Sports team have used augmented reality to make sessions more interactive, engaging and relevant for learners.

These are just a few of the many taster events and seminars we plan to run during ‘Digital Spring, 2018’. Watch this space for further news

2017 Annual Conference: 'Preparing 21st Century Educators'

On 21 June 2017 three organisations engaged in the development, delivery and research into the use of mobile and digital technologies in teaching, learning and assessment, will come together to deliver an exciting and ambitious event the ‘Preparing 21C Educators Conference’.  The event will take place from 9.00am to 4.00pm at the University of Hull

The three organisations comprise the Digital Technologies Network (University of Hull and 10 partner colleges), the MTTEP Erasmus Project and the Association for Information Technology in Teacher Education (ITTE).  These three groups have come together to share good practice in the use of technologies in teaching, teacher/lecturer training and to disseminate research which has been undertaken, including working across three sectors of education, in schools, FE colleges and Higher Education. To see the programme click here (Programme for event (provisional)

The event will commence with prestigious keynote speakers at the start of the morning and the afternoon sessions respectively:

Lord Jim Knight (TES Chief Education Advisor), who is a patron of the Association of Information Technology in Teacher Education.


Bob Harrison, Director and Founder of Support for Education, Training (SET) and consultancy needs. Currently the Chair of the Teaching Schools New Technology Advisory Board, a HE/Industry/Schools/DfE/NCTL group.

The workshop sessions available to delegates will be delivered in three 40 minute sessions during the day and will be either delivered in a 40 minute slot, or in two 20 minute slots.  The wide range of workshop sessions will enable colleagues to select a mixed, or focused set of activities including good practice and interactive sessions, or research undertaken in use of technologies across sectors.

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Click here to view workshops and presentations:

We hope you will be interested and able to join us on 21 June.  If you would like to receive further information please reply to .

Best wishes.

Viv Parker

University of Hull


Conference 2017: Kingston-upon-Hull




Venue: Allam Lecture Theatre, Derwent Building, University of Hull, HU6 7RX





9:00 – 9:30           Registration, tea and coffee in the Derwent Cafe

9:30 – 9.40          Welcome and Introduction:

Professor Kevin Burden, Faculty of Arts Culture and Education

9.40 – 10.30        Keynote speaker: Lord Jim Knight (TES Chief Education Advisor), who is a patron of the Association of Information Technology in Teacher Education.

10.30 – 10.45      Discussion on the matters raised in the presentation.

10.45 – 11:15       Tea/Coffee available in the Derwent Café and leave for Canham Turner (Staff House), Wilberforce, remain in Derwent


11.20 – 12.05      WORKING SESSION 1: a choice of one workshop from three aspects, a session could be 40mins in length or have two 20 minute sessions:

(i)   Practical – digital technologies session

(ii)  Research/Scholarly Activity

(iii) Good Practice Short presentations x 20 mins


12.05 – 1.05        Lunch and networking, Lindsey Suite, Canham Turner, (Staff House) and then leave for Allam Lecture Theatre

1.15 – 2.00          Allam Lecture theatre: PRESENTATION:  Bob Harrison, Director and Founder of Support for Education, Training (SET) and consultancy needs. Currently the Chair of the Teaching Schools New Technology Advisory Board, a HE/Industry/Schools/DfE/NCTL group

2.00 – 2.15           Discussion on the matters raised in the presentation and leave for Canham Turner (Staff House), Wilberforce, remain in Derwent

2.25 – 3.10          WORKING SESSION 2: a choice of one workshop from 3 themes, a session could be 40mins in length or have two 20 minute sessions:

(i)   Practical – digital technologies session

(ii)  Research/Scholarly Activity

(iii) Good Practice Short presentations x 20 mins

Leave for Canham Turner (Staff House), Wilberforce, Derwent

3.15 – 4.00          WORKING SESSION 3:  a choice of one workshop from 3 themes, a session could be 40mins in length or have two 20 minute sessions:

(i)   Practical – digital technologies session

(ii)  Research/Scholarly Activity

(iii) Good Practice Short presentations x 20 mins

4:00                     Conference ends.

#HullDTN will be live at BETT 2017!

We are pleased to announce that the Digital Technologies Network will be presenting at BETT 2017.  The BETT show is a huge education show sharing the best practice of technology in all disciplines of education.


We are appearing at the Learn Live FE & Skills area on Thursday 26th January at 16:30pm. We look forward to seeing you there and getting involved!

Flipped Learning: Interview with Professor Ale Armellini


Technology makes things possible in a flipped learning approach (Professor Armellini, June 2016)

In June 2016 the network held its annual conference focused on the topical theme of Flipped Learning. This was extremely well attended with over 140 delegates including many who had travelled from outside the University region itself. the keynote speaker fro the event was  Professor Ale Armellini (Director of Institute of Learning and Teaching in HE: Northampton University). 

Following the conference professor Armellini was interviewed for the network by Professor Kevin Burden. This is the full interview.

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New Academic Year, Stronger Network

New Year, Same Network? Here we are again and it's back into the new academic year for 16/17. I thought I would just take a moment to reflect on the last year and what we have to look forward to this year. 15/16 seemed to go by in a blur but was an excellent 2nd year for #HullDTN starting really with the 'Through the Periscope' online sessions. We found this quite an innovative approach and had several hundred hits throughout the sessions. It was a big change from the previous years Mobile March and felt that the online delivery was where it was at! We are looking forward to teasing it's latest incarnation 'Digital Spring' soon, watch this space!


We followed this sucess with an appearance at Jisc Digifest 16, where we recieved some excellent feedback and hopefully showed the power of multi-institute collaborative working. We had a great time sharing how far we had come in the previous year and created a Storify of our presentation. This set us up well for our June 'Flipped Learning' conference which was really well attended and a blast to be involved with. It was great to see such a wide variety of organisations, roles and approaches to a really interesting subject. We certainly hope to build on this for 2017 with our partnerhip with the Erasmus funded Mobilising & Transforming Teacher Education Pedagogies project.


So what lies ahead? Well, many of our Further Education partners will be involved in the latest round of Government Area Reviews, which will, in part, also look at each institution's use of technology. We hope that this will only strengthen our collaboration and set a precident for the rest of the sector. In addition there are new changes with the Teaching Excellence Framework for Higher Education which also highlights the use of technology and looks at Digital Literacy. Again we hope our network will be able to support these changes and identfiy our best practice to share nationally, nay Internationally!

But first we have our Digital Spring online event during w/c 20th March 2017 and our network conference during w/c 19th June 2017 to look forward to. We look forward to seeing you there! All that remains for me to say is thanks for taking the time to stop by and check us out! We hope to bring you more of the same, and better, in the coming months so please keep dropping by and find out what else we have been up to. Thanks, Ross.