Selby College

Selby College is one of England’s top-performing colleges, consistently achieving some of the highest student achievement rates in the country.  In 2007/08, the Tertiary college was the first in Yorkshire and the Humber, and one of only thirteen at that time to achieve Ofsted ‘Outstanding’ status in all areas, a status that has been retained ever since. In 2012 the College undertook a successful QAA Integrated Quality Enhancement Review (IQER) of its Higher Education provision with six areas of good practice commended.

The College offers over 300 A-level, Vocational, Apprenticeship and Degree level courses from entry level to post graduate levels for all age groups from 14 upwards. The College delivers an excellent learning experience in a friendly and supportive environment with highly regarded teaching and support staff and state-of-the-art facilities.

Technology enhanced learning is integral to our provision and to our vision to be an outstanding provider of education and training, meeting the needs of employers and our community and supporting our learners to achieve their potential through excellent teaching and learning. Our vision for e-learning is one where the use of technology is seamlessly integrated within the teaching, learning and assessment process, helping to make learning interesting, engaging and fun and supporting our learners to achieve and progress.

The wide range of technology enhanced learning initiatives currently include:

  • Embedded use of digital learning tools such as Padlet, Socrative, Kahoot, Quizlet, Nearpod, Aurasma, Augmented Reality etc to enhance teaching, learning and assessment
  • Digipals: a new initiative to encourage student collaboration with staff and fellow students
  • Flipped learning using screen capture technologies such as Screencastomatic and the production of short videos by staff and students
  • Use of social media, such as WAMedu, to encourage contact and collaborative learning
  • Use of e-Tracker, e-Portfolio, OneFile and Turnitin for assessment submission, tracking learner progress and learner outcomes
  • Extensive use of our VLE, Moodle to support teaching, learning and assessment

Recent Projects:

‘Who’s eLearning it is anyway?’

A look at decentralising the role of the teaching with regards to e-learning and allowing the students to use e-learning technologies for themselves.

Selby College Video Case Study – Hairdressing

Hairdressing tutors discussing the use of eLearning tools e.g NearPod and Padlet with their students.

Preparing 21st Century Educators: Flipped CPD

A cross college initiative to enable tutors to develop skills in the use of a range of eLearning tools, share activities produced and achieve badges to recognise achievement. The concept contains ‘real’ content created and used by tutors featuring different eLearning applications.
Tutors are encouraged to access the content to see what can be created, and to create their own using the guidance materials linked to each topic.

 Digital Spring: Lights, Camera, Action with iMovies

  • Create short promotional videos to promote curriculum areas and students work using iMovies. This session will demonstrate how to create a ‘short trailer’ and provide examples and key tips to get your creative ideas flowing….

Flipped Learning Project: Oh, Flip that!

As part of the Flipped Learning Conference 2016, we delivered a workshop on ‘Oh, Flip That – an evaluation of Flipped Learning in Initial Teacher Education. The session highlighted the different technologies used to deliver flipped learning sessions to PGCE/Cert Ed students with particular emphasis on: Educreations, Screencast-o-Matic and NearPod.

Example resources:

The short video above was used in support of the session and the following article by Jane Brooke tteaching-in-lifelong-learning-journaland Heather Lister has been published in Teaching in Lifelong Learning: a journal to inform and improve practice.

“Oh, Flip That!” An Evaluation of Flipped Learning in Initial Teacher Education.

Through the Periscope

As part of this project, tutors were actively encouraged to share best practice with regards to the use of technology that has enhanced their teaching and learning.  The following videos are discussions from tutors regarding the different technologies they used:

  • Catering and Hospitality – Using iPads to record practical demonstrations and uploading video content onto Moodle (via YouTube links).

  • EduCreations HE Project – Using Educreations to create audio and visual resources to support learning.



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