Flipped Learning Conference Resources


To download your own copy of the iBooks: 'Digital Case Studies' follow the link below:

http://digitaltechnologiesnetwork.co.uk/?page_id=461&preview=trueiBook: Digital Case Studies

Bishop Burton College:

Online teaching – asynchronous seminars’.


At Bishop Burton College we use asynchronous sessions with our blended learning courses as a way of delivering information, developing independent learning, discussion and evaluative skills. Please utilise the resources below in order to participate in our flipped learning activity.

Use the link to watch BBC Panorama Britain’s puppy dealers exposed and read the attached Life of the pig pdf from Compassion in World Farming. Having watched the videos take time to consider the statements on the attached word document.


BBC Panorama Britain’s puppy dealers exposed


  1. Consider whether the information from the two sources provides balanced arguments?
  2. Consider your own feelings towards how each species is utilised in the examples given?
  3. In the video evaluate the contribution the experts made towards the evidence presented.
  4. In the video John Bradshaw states that the dogs were being treated like agricultural animals, how do you interpret this statement?

We look forward to debating your answers at the conference.


Doncaster College, University Centre:

‘Fliperentiation’ – Differentiation in the Flipped Environment.

Materials for Fliperentiation

There is an assumption in much of the writing and research on flipped learning that it is in some way inherently more amenable to differentiated instruction because learners can assimilate the ‘flipped’ out-of-classroom section of the session at their own speed. We are going to challenge this assumption, arguing that task design and questioning strategies in the flipped environment need an even greater degree of scaffolding to help learners progress through the different cognitive levels of critical thinking.

We have designed an activity based around a short story by Raymond Carver. In the accompanying materials, there is the story, study materials to be given to students in the out-of-classroom section of the class and Hess's Cognitive Rigour Matrix for reading. We will be using these materials to help delegates think about the question of differentiation and to design differentiated activities for the in-class portion of the flipped class.


East Riding College:

Mobile and web applications within the educational sector that could serve in a flipped learning context.’

Quick and easy set-up of five Web Applications that can be used in blended learning contexts.

Click the banner below for the Introduction of the different Apps, our feedbacks and your tasks:



Grimsby Institute of FE and HE:

The use of VR to support a VR flipped classroom’ – getting learners to work in a virtual space.

The world of VR is changing – Take a moment to visit and digest the sites below before the conference:

Hull College:

‘Flipping the Learning in Hair, Beauty & Catering’.

To make our Flipped activity easier for people to access I have put it on Padlet:



Hull University, Faculty of Education:


'Flipping the Field Trip' –

This workshop will explore how to prepare students for field work by producing an interactive eBook that they use on site. It will also consider how participants to the workshop are using field work and how it might be developed using mobile technologies. Follow the link below to prepare for the workshop:



Leeds College of Music:

How digital technologies support learners preparing for community placements’.

  1. Login or create an account on edmodo.com
  2. Then go to: https://edmo.do/j/b39nb9
  3. Take a look at the short video and undertake the activity posted.

LCoM Logo

North Lindsey College:

‘Going Mobile’ – Overcoming barriers to delivering digital pedagogies.


Please access the Flipped Learning session content via the following link:


For any issues or further questions please don’t hesitate to email:

Ross Anderson, Elearning Ambassador, North Lindsey College – ross.Anderson@northlindsey.ac.uk

Rotherham College (RNN Group) 1:

What a Flipping ‘Smart’ idea – How ‘Smart Handouts' using QR Codes and Aurasma have helped to engage students in Media, Games and Animation.


Please read through the Google Docs 'Smart Handout' information sheet contained in the link below. The sheet contains videos that will further establish exactly what a 'Smart handout' is and also how students have reacted to using them too.

'Smart Handout' information

Also, before the session please complete the tasks in the Google Docs worksheet link below:

Tasks to complete before the session

If you have any questions before the session please contact Shane Whittington (swhittington@rotherham.ac.uk).

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you on the day.

Rotherham College (RNN Group) 2:

Goodbye Moodle, hello Edmodo!’ – How Edmodo has helped to engage students in independent learning.


If attending the Edmodo session please use the guide below to set up an Edmodo account and create your first group before the conference.

On the day of the conference itself you will have the opportunity to:
1. join other groups
2. participate in an Edmodo quiz (or design your own)
3. see how Edmodo can successfully be used in the classroom
4. ask questions and much more.

Task sheet for Edmodo session: Edmodo Task Flipped Learning Conference

If you have any questions before the session please contact Kelly Beighton (kbeighton@rotherham.ac.uk).

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you on the day.

Selby College:

‘Oh, flip that!’ An evaluation of flipped learning.

For those attending the ‘Oh, Flip That’ workshop, please watch this short video prior to the session to highlight the different technologies used to deliver flipped learning sessions to PGCE/Cert Ed students at Selby College.




University of Hull:

Using Mobile Technologies to flip learning in fieldwork and non-formal learning settings’

At the Flipped Learning conference (June 15th), professor Kevin Burden, Dr. Stewart Bennett and Paul Hopkins will be running a 45 minute workshop about how to 'flip the field trip'. This will be based on their experiences with trainee history teachers who are taken to the battlefields of the First World War every year to undertake various fieldwork activities.

Prepare for this workshop by completing Activities 1-4 in the link below:


Contact person: Professor Kevin Burden (k.j.burden@hull.ac.uk)